Asian Floor Mats Become American Company’s Latest Fashionable Bags

November 17, 2016

American Fashion Company Sells Bags That Look Like Asian Welcome Mats - World Of Buzz 3Remember how a Spanish luxury fashion brand, Balenciaga, made a ‘market auntie’ tote bag earlier? Well, now it seems like Nomad Tribe Shop is selling Asian welcome mat-inspired clutch bags.



Doesn’t it look oh-so familiar? Well, perhaps this picture would ring a bell.

Yep, that’s right. It looks just like the mats we use in our homes. Usually placed at doorways and in the kitchen in front of the sink. But, apparently now this is a fashion statement in America. Nomad Tribe Shop is an American-based online store that acts as a platform for small fashion companies to sell their stuff.

Apparently, the ‘fancy’ clutch costs about USD 200 (RM 835) but don’t forget about the cost of shipping and taxes too! All the way from US, doh… mahal tau.

This ‘trendy’ bag recently came to light when Bangkok Coconuts noticed pictures of the bag being modeled by an American blogger and it went viral in Thailand.


Kyrzayda Rodriguez was the New Yorker who shared those pictures on her blog. Asian netizens couldn’t stop laughing about it as they compared it to the mats South East Asians usually use as mats to wipe our feet. 

“I have this in my mother’s house. I always use it to wipe my feet but I didn’t know it can be fashion too.

” “My house have many. Who wants? I sell cheaper than US, only RM20, not USD 200.” 

“Hahaha! Fashion is so funny. Last time the bag from Spain, now this bag from America.” 

But guess what! You can buy the rag for only RM 2.50 in Malaysia. Or, if you’re really into it, you could just DIY the bag all on your own using old cloths. So, no need to pay any money at all and you can be a fashion icon.


Maybe it’s high time us Asians find some chiplak stuff laying about our house and start some new fashion statements eh?

Go grab some old clothes, cut ’em up and become part of America’s trending fashion scene…or a laughing stock in Malaysia…it’s up to how you see it, really.

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1 komentar

  1. hey! A very nice blog. the idea is also great. I like the way how it turned out. Thank you for sharing.Welcome mats


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